September 2021

LCCR (KPFZ) ZOOM SPECIAL Board Meeting Thursday Oct 7, 2021 6:15-7:15 pm

Lake County Community Radio, Inc
Special Meeting Agenda
October 7, 2021 | 6:15 PM—7:15 PM

Zoom Meeting

Please check the KPFZ.ORG website for zoom meeting
access information, posted 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Call Meeting to Order
1. Welcome
2. Public Comment: Any item not on the agenda can be presented. Items not on the
agenda are not for discussion or action. There is a 2-minute allowance for these items.
3. Fund Raising Proposal, 10/30/21: Roy Zimmerman Concert to benefit LCCR, INC.
a. Program Details: Herb Gura
i. Big Valley Hall
ii. 6:30 pm (doors open) to 10:00 pm (?)
iii. Proceeds - 50/50 split (Roy Zimmerman & Station)
iv. Tickets @ Catfish Coffee, Watershed Books, Herb or at the door.
v. $25 & 22.50/members
vi. Proof of Vaccine Required
vii. Food & Beverages To Be Sold
viii. ABC license (Linda Kelley)
ix. Insurance Rider (Susan Krones)
x. Volunteers Needed
b. Decisional: Board
4. Security Proposal for KPFZ Offices: Carry over from 2 prior meetings. Olga Martin Steele
5. Adjourn to October, 21, 2021, Regular Meeting

The Lake County Community Radio Board of Directors Applications 2021

The Lake County Community Radio Board of Directors is accepting applications for Board positions of 1
and 2-year terms.

To apply, download a blank application from the website and mail to LCCR, Inc., PO Box 466,
Lakeport, CA 95453, postmarked by October 22. Elections will to be held at the November 18, 2021,
Board meeting.

LCCR (KPFZ) ZOOM Board Meeting Thursday Sep 16, 2021 6:15-8:00 pm


Lake County Community Radio, Inc 

Meeting Agenda 

September 16, 2021, | 6:15 PM—8:00 PM 

Zoom Meeting 

Please check the KPFZ.ORG website for zoom meeting  

access information, posted 24 hours prior to the meeting. 

Call Meeting to Order 

1. Welcome  

2. Public Comment: Any item not on the agenda can be presented. Items not on the  agenda are not for discussion or action. There is a 2-minute allowance for these items. 

3. Minutes 

4. Treasurers Report: Roberta Actor 

5. GM Report: Andy Weiss 

- Station Operations 

- COVID Policy Implementation 

- Program Committee 

6. Underwriter Report: Linda Kelley 

7. IT Report: John Saare  

8. Webb Report: Alan Fletcher 

9. Old Business  

- Board Elections: Olga Martin Steele  

- Fund Raising Proposals: Updates 

10. New Business  

- Bookkeeper Stipend, Roberta Actor 

- Program Content Issue, Ron Green & Doug Harris  

- Security Proposal for KPFZ Offices: Olga Martin Steele  

11. Adjourn to October 21, 2021, Meeting

The minutes of the August meeting, and the Zoom link will be posted in the comments.
A printable copy of the agenda can be downloaded from LCCR.BoardAgenda.9.16.21.pdf