Updated 2/22/23 by Alan Fletcher
Helynna Brooke and Margo Fleming would like to announce the launch of their new show Fridays from 4 pm to 5 pm. "We are taking Linda Kelly's spot Now and Then due to her move to Las Vegas. We will keep the same name for a bit, and we will continue to provide announcements about upcoming events in Lake County. We will also play music, but our focus will be on music by female musicians, local musicians, poets, writers and other creative people in Lake County."
A New Wordweavers Classical Music Show started on Saturday Feb 18th, 2023 at 4 pm
Classical music will be the theme for a new Wordweavers segment, in the slot previously hosted by the late Caroline Hawley.
This new live show is titled “Classical Vibes” and is hosted by board members of the Lake County Symphony Association: David Velasquez, Debra Fredrickson and Camm Linden (LCSA President).
It will then be on the 3rd Sat of even-numbered months.
5th Saturdays will feature replays of Carolyn Hawley's shows.
We always welcome volunteers and in particular, those who are interested in being a Programmer, Studio Board Operator or Board Member. See our
Volunteer Page.
The station periodically reviews its Covid19 studio protocols. Subject to programmer agreements we can now have three people in the studio at the same time, and one live show can follow another.
Programmers : Announce your upcoming shows via email to editor@kpfz.org or use the Contact Form for Category "Web Editor" and we will set it up for you.
Listeners: You can make a comment about a show on the Contact Form Category "I have comments about a program". It will be forwarded to the programmer.
Zoom. The KBO studio computer is set up ... and is ready to Zoom!!! For details see https://kpfz.org/zoom