February 2022

It's a miracle! The station is fixed!

Actually the combined energies of a number of people made this happen. Thanks to John Saare, first and foremost, for diagnositics and working with the Broadband Solutions crew to figure out how to reconnect our STL cable. Thanks to Andy for the decision to hire Broadband Solutions. Thanks to Olga for finding a way to make it happen today and for Bill Bernetti for his part in advancing our place on the repair schedule. 

And we are especially grateful to all of our dedicated programmers who put forth their efforts knowing they were not broadcasting over the airwaves. 

Our listeners figured it out fast this afternoon after 5 pm. KPFZ was missed. Our community has a good thing in our humble radio station.

Have a blessed weekend!

Andy and Chloe

ps: An important participant in the "miracle" was Ariel Carmona who drove an hour round-trip to open the door to the Record Bee office, to let the the cable-layers in.


LCCR (KPFZ) ZOOM Board Meeting Thursday Feb 17, 2022 6:15-8:00 pm

Lake County Community Radio, Inc
Meeting Agenda    
February 17, 2022 | 6:15 PM—8:00 PM
Zoom Meeting


Call Meeting to Order
I.    Welcome 
II.    Public Comment:  Any item not on the agenda can be presented.  Items not on the agenda are not for discussion or action.
      There is a 2-minute allowance for these items.
III.    Minutes
IV.    Treasurers Report: Roberta Actor
V.    GM Report:  Andy Weiss
⦁    Station Operations, General
⦁    Status on COVID-related improvements/Updates on resuming live programming
⦁    Program Committee Report: Chloe Karl
VI.    Underwriter Report:  Linda Kelley
VII.    IT Report:  John Saare 
VIII.    Webb Report: Alan Fletcher
IX.    Old Business    
X.    New Business 
a.    Review Application of Scott Miller for LCCR, Inc. Board of Directors vacancy.
b.    Schedule for voting @ next meeting.
XI.    Adjourn to March 17, 2022 Meeting

The minutes and other reports will be attached as comments to this post.

The minutes of the Jan 20,2022 Board Meeting are in the comments