LCCR (KPFZ) ZOOM Board Meeting Thursday February 16, 2023 6:15-8:00 pm

Updated 2/20/2023 to remove Zoom links.

LCCR, Inc, Board of Directors Meeting

February 16, 2023 | 6:15 PM—8:00 PM



This Meeting's Agenda

  3. PUBLIC COMMENT:  2-minute allowance for comments on non-agenda items
    1. Treasurers Report: Roberta Actor
    2. GM’s Report: Andy Weiss
      1. Operations
        1. On-Air Issues
        2. Station License Upgrade Project (Andy & John Saare)
        3. Central Database of Programmers/Members/Donors
        4. Programing: Status (Andy & Chloe)
          1. New Programmers, Board Operators & Contracts
          2. Programmer/Programming Issues
          3. Other
        5. Other
    3. Underwriter’s Report: Linda Kelley & Stacy Maisenbach           
    4. Web: Alan Fletcher & David Lark     
    5.  IT: John Saare
    6. Executive Committee Report:  Olga M Steele
      1. Programmer Promos, Status:  Dwain Goforth
      2. New Action Items
        1. Member Survey
        2. Fund Development: 2023
        3. Policy re: Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy
    1. Programmer Training
    2. February Social – Dwain Goforth
    3. Jim Malcom & Family Performance – Susan Krones
  1. COVID Policy Review – carried over from 2 December & January meetings.
  2. Proposed Moonalice Concert: Ron Green
  3. Station/Property Management – Building Lease Olga Steele
  1. ADJOURN TO MARCH 16, 2023

LCCR, INC. | KPFZ, 88.1 FM | 149 N. MAIN STREET | LAKEPORT, CA | 707-263-3640


The January minutes are in the first comment. The following documents are in these links:

Post Type: 




Meeting Minutes from January 19, 2023

I.  Call to order at 6:16 by Olga Martin-Steele  

Board Members Present: Roberta Actor, Dennis Booth, Dwain Goforth,   Susan Krones, Stacy Maisenbach, Paula Mune,  John Moorhead, Scott Nuttall  

Absent:   Ron Green, Scott Miller

Manager:  Andy Weiss was present on phone

Guests:  Brad Chatten, Dallas Cook, Alan Fletcher, Ellen Karnowski, John Saare, Ryan Shaul, Adrian Vance

This meeting was conducted via ZOOM due to COVID-19 Emergency   

II. Public Input:  Stacy Maisenbach reminded everyone how important it is to lock up the studio especially after 6:00pm.

III. Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the last regular meeting on December 15, 2022 were approved as corrected.  Dwain Goforth was not a Board member until January 2023.       

IV. Treasurer’s Report – See written report by Roberta Actor.  Our starting balance for November was $22,632.00 and the ending balance is $25,806.00.  Still having problems with phone bill.  AT&T restored a line we did not want and charged for it.  Roberta is going to try to reverse those charges since we did not request it.      

V. General Manager’s Report – Weiss reported that the radio was off the air again.  We have ordered a new part to hopefully fix the problem.    

VI. Committee Reports:  

a. Program Committee – a.   A programmer has been using improper words on the air.  The On Air Guidelines are on our website.  Still need Covid Policy in place that requires vaccinations.  We need to make sure all programmers have signed a contract.  There was discussion about Democracy Now being on twice a day and whether or not be should had local programs on instead of Democracy Now repeat.  There was discussion about having a Programmers Meeting soon.  New programmers need to be trained and know rules for being on air.  This should be done in person.

b. Underwriting – Linda Kelly no longer doing this.  Stacy Maisenbach has agreed to take over and will meet with Linda Kelly.                      

c. IT Report – John Saare reported that we have a new Ethernet switch and nitrogin tank to take up to the mountain.  Will be replacing a part up there.  Paperwork has been filed for STL upgrade.  The next step is to order the equipment needed for STL.   We will then need to order hardware and contact Broadband Solutions to get an estimate as to the cost for them to install the new equipment.          

d. Website:  Alan Fletcher is documenting web editor to whoever takes over web site management with have directions to follow.   

e. Executive Committee Report – Committee did not meet this month.  Proposed action item is that Board authorize membership survey. Moorhead made a motion to conduct a membership survey and post results on our website.  Goforth 2nd. Discussion about if we send survey only to paid members or send to general public and how do we get word out to take survey?  Vote on motion.  Passes.  

VII. Old Business: a. Self-Promos – Dwain Goforth has developed an implementation plan for programmers to record promotions for their show to be played during other shows.  Programmers will have to record their own promo. Goforth has a sample script and it would have to be 30 seconds or less.  Goforth can help programmers with this starting in January.  The promo would also be the station ID.  Motion by Krones to approve promo proposal.  Nuttal 2nd. Mune and Actor said they would be willing to record promo’s for programmers who do not think they can do it on their own.  Motion tabled to next month for more discussion.  

VIII. New Business:  a. Jim Malcolm Concert – Krones requested approval of a KPFZ benefit concert by Jim and Susie Malcolm on March 4th at the Fore Family Winery in Kelseyville.  It was approved.   

Next Meeting will be Thursday, 2/16/23 @ 6:15 pm via Zoom.  

Adjournment- 8:13 p.m.


Minutes submitted by:  


Susan Krones, Secretary