Lake County Community Radio, Inc
Meeting Agenda
July 15, 2021 | 6:15 PM—8:00 PM
Zoom Meeting
Members or guests may contact Chloe Karl to receive an invitation to the Zoom Meeting @ 707-889-7240.
I. Call Meeting To Order
II. Welcome
III. Public Comment: Any item not on the agenda can be presented. Items not on the agenda are not for
discussion or action. There is a 2 minute allowance for these items.
IV. Minutes
V. GM Report: Andy Weiss
VI. Treasurers Report: Roberta Actor
VII. Program Committee Report: Chloe Karl
VIII.Underwriter Report: Linda Kelley
IX. IT Report: John Saare
X. Webb Report: Alan Fletcher
XI. Old Business
Board Elections: Olga Martin Steele, All Board Members
Concert: Ron Green
Succession Planning, Exec Committee: Olga Martin Steele
XII. New Business
Proposed Fund Raiser: Olga Martin Steele
Security Proposal for KPFZ Offices: Olga Martin Steele
XIII.Adjourn Meeting to August 19 Meeting
The Minutes from June 17, 2021 are in the first comment.
LCCR (KPFZ) Board Minutes of June 17, 2021
Meeting Minutes from June 17, 2021
I. Call to order at 6:24 by President Olga Martin Steele.
Board Members Present: Roberta Actor, Ron Green, Chloe Karl, Linda Kelly, Susan Krones, Jaclyn Ley, Olga Martin-Steele, John Moorhead, John Saare, Martin Scheel Absent:
General Manager: Andy Weiss was not present. Guests: Bart, Jackie Richie, Paula Mune, Alan Fletcher, Janet Taylor
This meeting was conducted via ZOOM due to COVID-19 Emergency
II. Public Input: None
III. Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the last regular meeting on 5/27/21 were approved as written.
IV. Treasurer’s Report – Actor reports that as of end of May 2021 our account balance is $18,668.00. Expenses for the month of May were $3,796. An additional $7,000 will be deposited in our account soon.
V. General Manager’s Report – Weiss was not present so there was no report.
VI. Committee Reports:
a. Program Committee – Karl reported that the Covid protocol and liability waivers have been sent out. Programmers and other volunteers need to sign it and leave it at or send it to the station. We will start having limited back to back programs. If both programmers agree, okay to have one show after another. New computers at the station will be set up over the next month. The Board needs to decide what the protocol should be for fire coverage and when Butch should come in and report.
b. Underwriting – Kelly – written report.
c. Social Media – There was no social media discussion.
d. Website: a. Alan Fletcher said the website is working well. Alan reported that the underwriters list on the website was updated.
e. Membership and Tech Report – John Saare reported that he will soon send out thank-you letters for those who made donations and the letter will include an image of a membership card that members can print out.
VII. Old Business: a. New Computers – a. Insurance Policy: Actor contacted our insurance agent. Currently our policy covers volunteers, Andy and our accountant. Scheel and Actor will find out more information about our policy and whether we need to update it and report next meeting. b. Recruitment of Board Operators: Kelly, Karl and Saare are working on this. c. Board Vacancies: Scheel will stay on the Board after his move for as long as needed and until we have new Board members. Each current Board Member needs to give input to Martin-Steele about what skills a new Board member should have. Martin-Steele is willing to be President to the end of the year. We currently need a Vice –President. Scheel is willing to be Vice President on a short term basis. Green made a motion that Scheel be appointed VP until the end of the year. Actor 2nd. Passes.
VIII. New Business: a. Main St. Inside Out Event: Kelly suggested that we participate in the monthly Inside Out Event that takes place every 2nd Thursday until October. This is an event where business set up specials outside. Kelly suggested we serve wine for a donation and have an information table about KPFZ. She is willing to get the alcohol permit. Kelly motion to participate as outlined above. Scheel 2nd. Passes. b. Benefit Concert: Green is working on benefit concert and trying to find venue. The Soper-Reese is available Sept. 25. Krones made a motion to authorize Green to move forward with a benefit concert for 9/25 or some other date. Saare 2nd. Passes. c. Update Station Tech and Licensing Issues: We need to update our technology issues at the station. Green moves to form and executive committee to meet with Andy and address these issues. This will consist of the President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. Actor 2nd. Passes. d. The station alcohol and garbage and clean-up policy was continued to the next Board meeting.
Next Meeting will be Thursday, 7/15/21 @ 6:15 pm via Zoom.
Adjournment- 8:11 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Krones, Secretary