Lake County Community Radio, Inc.
Meeting Agenda: June16, 2022 @ 6:15 pm
Call Meeting To Order & Welcome
Public Comment: Any item not on the agenda can be presented with a 2-minute allowance. These items are not for discussion or action.
Treasurer’s Report – Roberta Actor
GM Report: Andy Weiss
Station Operations, General
Equipment Repairs
Equipment Use
Program Committee Report, Choe Karl
Status of Programs
Underwriter Report: Linda Kelley
IT Report: John Saare
Webb Report – Alan Fletcher
Old Business
Barry Melton Concert, June 5, Ron Green, Final Report
Station Security Project
Station Air Filters Project
New Business
Adjourn to July 21, 2022 Meeting
The minutes of the May 19, 2022 meeting are in the first comment.
LCCR (KPFZ) Meeting Minutes from MAY 19, 2022 Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes from MAY 19, 2022
I. Call to order at 6:17 by Olga Martin-Steele
Board Members Present: Roberta Actor, Dennis Booth, Ron Green, Linda Kelly, Susan Krones, Scott Miller, Martin Scheel General Manager: Andy Weiss was present
Absent: John Moorhead Guests: Betsy Cawn, Ariel Carmona, Chloe Karl, Jackie Riche, Janet Taylor, John Saare
This meeting was conducted via ZOOM due to COVID-19 Emergency
II. Public Input:
III. Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the last regular meeting on 4/21/22 were approved.
IV. Treasurer’s Report – See written report. Roberta Actor reported that our bank balance is going down slowly with an ending balance of $16,033. Actor is working with the FTB to update our records.
V. General Manager’s Report – Weiss reported. a. We are in the middle of our fund raiser. We have pledges of approximately $4,000 in 3 days so far.
VI. Committee Reports:
a. Program Committee – a. Karl reported that Scott church wants to do an all-night show starting 6/3/22. It will be a music and talk show.
b. There was discussion about reimbursement for expenses for Butch for gas when he covers fire zone. We cannot ask for donations for a specific person even if it is a donation for expenses for doing radio associated work. A better way to handle this is for the Board to approve stipends for expenses. For example the Board could approve a stipend for gas money associated with covering fire areas. c. Ron Green’s Philadelphia Lawyer will be back the first Saturday of the month at 10:00am. For the rest of the month there will be others filling in including Sarah Ryan and Joey Luis.
b. Underwriting – No report this month.
c. IT Report – John Saare is working with Andy on the STL upgrade.
d. Website: Alan Fletcher not present. Alan is trying to set up Zoom in the studio to be able to broadcast the audio from Zoom. No new information on website.
VII. Old Business: a. Barry Melton Concert: Ron Green reminded everyone about concert on Sunday June 5. It will be an outdoor concert from 2-5. Gates open at 1pm. KPFZ Benefit. Bring your own chairs. $20.00.
Next Meeting will be Thursday, 6/16/22 @ 6:15 pm via Zoom.
Adjournment- 7:03 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Krones, Secretary