LCCR (KPFZ) ZOOM Board Meeting Thursday Mar 17, 2022 6:15-8:00 pm

Lake County Community Radio, Inc
Zoom  Meeting Agenda
March 17, 2022 | 6:15 PM—8:00 PM

Call Meeting to Order
I. Welcome
II. Public Comment: Any item not on the agenda can be presented. Items not on the
agenda are not for discussion or action. There is a 2-minute allowance for these items.
III. Agenda Review
IV. Minutes
V. Treasurers Report: Roberta Actor
VI. GM Report: Andy Weiss
- Station Operations, General
- Status on COVID-related improvements/Updates on resuming live programming
- Program Committee Report: Chloe Karl
VII. Underwriter Report: Linda Kelley
VIII. IT Report: John Saare
IX. Webb Report: Alan Fletcher
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
a. Proposed Concert – Ron Green
b. Over the Airways – Ron Green
XII. Adjourn to April 21, 2022 Meeting

The minutes of the Feb 17, 2022 meeting are attached in the first comment.

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Meeting Minutes from February 17, 2022

I.  Call to order at 6:15 by Dennis Booth.  

Board Members Present: Roberta Actor, Dennis Booth, Ron Green, Linda Kelly, Susan Krones, John Moorhead 

Absent: Olga Martin-Steele, Martin Scheel

General Manager:  Andy Weiss was present.  Guests:  Betsy Cawn, Alan Fletcher, Scott Miller, Chloe Karl, Janet Taylor, John Saare

This meeting was conducted via ZOOM due to COVID-19 Emergency   

II. Public Input:  None 

III. Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the last regular meeting on 1/20/22 were approved with the correction for the January minutes as to the income and expenses amounts to correspond with the amounts as reflected in the Treasurer’s written report.

IV. Treasurer’s Report – See written report.  Actor reported that we had a beginning balance of $23,691 for the month and an ending balance of $23,277.   Our Underwriting income was $1,890 and membership income was $1,396.  

V. General Manager’s Report – Weiss reported.  We have had several technical problems and some equipment failures that are being fixed.  We are very short of trained Board operators and therefore have had to repeat a lot of shows rather than have live shows.      

VI. Committee Reports:  

a. Program Committee –Karl reported.  A new show called Great Life Adventures with Jeff Davis has been approved.  Karl has emailed a programmers feedback form. There was a complaint about a show with distasteful language.  The Program Committee sent a letter to the programmer about the complaint.    

b. Underwriting – Kelly reported we have a new underwriter but losing Lucerne Roofing.             

c. Social Media – There was no social media discussion. 

d. Website:  Alan Fletcher reported that we will need to update the website by next year and maybe sooner.  The studio computer now has the internet working.  

e. Membership and Tech Report – John Saare reported it is time to renew our Domain name.      

VII. Old Business: a. No Old Business 

VIII. New Business: a. Concert – Scott Miller would like to be on the Board.  There was discussion about keypads to open the doors at KPFZ.  Krones made a motion to authorize Andy Weiss to look into keypad entry for the KPFZ studio and offices and implement change from keys to keypads with a spending amount up to $1,000.  Kelly 2nd.  Green asks to amend to up to $2,000.  Krones agrees to amendment and Kelly 2nd.  Passes.  

Next Meeting will be Thursday, 3/17/22 @ 6:15 pm via Zoom.  

Adjournment- 7:15 p.m.

Minutes submitted by:   

Susan Krones, Secretary