LCCR (KPFZ) TELEPHONIC/ZOOM Board Meeting Thursday March 18, 2021 6:15-8:00 pm

Lake County Community Radio, Inc.

149 N. Main Street | Lakeport, CA 95453 | 707-263-3460 |
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA: March 18, 2020 from 6:15pm -- 8:00pm

Note: This meeting will be held on Zoom. Join in with this link:

Meeting ID: 853 8221 5826 Passcode: 508694

I.Call to Order


III.Approval of Minutes

IV.Public Comment -- Guests may speak for up to 2 minutes on any item not on the agenda. If the item is on the agenda, speakers will be asked to hold their comments until the item is taken up by the board.

V.General Manager’s Report -- Andy Weiss
A. Station Operations | General Updates
B. Spring Fund Drive
1. Newsletter Update

VI.Treasurer’s Report -- Roberta Actor

VII.Committee Reports
A. Programming -- Chloe Karl
B. Underwriting -- Linda Kelly
C. Social Media
1. Website Report -- Alan Fletcher
2. FCC-Public File Issues -- Alan Fletcher
3. Social Media Report -- Jaclyn Ley
D. Database -- John Saare

VIII.Old Business
A. Update on Tech purchases/installation -- John Saare and Alan Fletcher
B. Bumper Sticker Update -- Linda Kelly

IX.New Business
A. Discussion -- Plan/Use of Stutter Fund Funds
B. Discussion -- Updating Covid Programming Protocol -- John Moorhead / Martin Scheel
C. Discussion -- Google or DropBox Use/Purchase

X.Adjourn to next meeting: Thursday, April 15, 2021 @ 6:15pm

The minutes for the meeting of February 2021 are in the comments.

Post Type: 



Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2021

I.      Call to order at 6:16 by President Jaclyn Ley. 

II.                 Board Members Present: Roberta Actor, Ron Green, Chloe Karl,  Linda Kelly, Susan Krones, Jaclyn Ley, Olga Martin-Steele, John Moorhead, John Saare, Martin Scheel    Absent:  none

General Manager:  Andy Weiss was present.  Guests Alan Fletcher, Ellen Karnowski, Jackie Riche

This meeting was conducted via ZOOM due to COVID-19 Emergency  

Public Input:   No public input. 

III.      Approval of Minutes –The minutes from the last regular meeting on 1/21/21 were approved as written.  

IV.      Treasurer’s Report – Actor reports that as of 2/1/21 we had balance of $21,590.00. We had $1,419 income from sustaining members and $650 in underwriting. Our telephone bill has now been reduced due to a change in providers.  The “Sutter” Fund is in a separate account and has $7,300.  These funds were specifically collected for the purpose to upgrade to STL in hopes of getting rid of the “stutter”.    

V.       General Manager’s Report – Weiss reporting. a. Weiss said we need to set the dates for the Spring Fund Drive.  It was decided to do it May 17- 23, 2021.  Before that we need to put out our Newsletter.  Last year Marcie Long edited and produced the Newsletter for $250.00.  Krones made a motion to pay $250.00 to produce the Newsletter.  Martin-Steele 2nd.  Passes.  b. The station was off the air for a couple of days because the transmitter shut down due to moisture in the system. This is what the system is supposed to do if it detects moisture but it requires the system to be reset by someone going to the transmitter on the mountain.        

VI.      Committee Reports: 

a. Program Committee –  a. Karl reported that there was a meeting on 2/10/21.  Joey Luis has been approved to be a new in studio Board operator starting 2/16/21.  He will have a live show Tuesdays from 6am- 7:30am.  Dennis Booth will take over “The Jazz”.  Donna Mahurin is stepping down from her show “Coffee Girl” for now.  b.  All Programmers need to sign the revised programmer contract.       

b. Underwriting – Kelly said we have two new possible underwriters.  The underwriting announcements can be sent to programmers recording from home via Goggle Drive or Dropbox.              

c. Tech Report – John Saare reported that the 2020 donation tax letters are ready to be sent out.  He will be working on transitioning to for a better and less expensive credit card service.       

   d. Website:  a. Alan Fletcher said the website is working well.          

VII. Old Business: a. New Computers – Fletcher ordered 3 new computers for the station.  They will arrive mid-March.  The Board approved expenditure of $2,000 for new computers via on line vote.  Saare, Fletcher, and Weiss will explore what is available from Goggle or Microsoft regarding various programs and Cloud services available for the new computers.   They will report back next month.

VIII.  There was discussion about ordering new bumper stickers.  There are 3 suggested designs.  Kelly made a motion to proceed to purchase bumper stickers with a committee recommending the design.  Moorhead 2nd.  The committee will report back next meeting.  Passes.

Next Meeting will be Thursday, 3/18/21 @ 6:15 pm via Zoom.   

Adjournment- 7:59 p.m.

Minutes submitted by:  

Susan Krones, Secretary