LCCR (KPFZ) ZOOM Board Meeting Thursday May 19, 2022 6:15-8:00 pm

Lake County Community Radio, Inc.

Meeting Agenda:  May 19, 2022 @ 6:15 pm

Please check KPFZ.ORG website for zoom meeting invitation 24 hours before the meeting.

Olga Martin Steele is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: LCCR, Inc Board Meeting

Time: May 19, 2022 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


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Meeting ID: 847 7077 3916

Passcode: 510094

  1. Call Meeting To Order & Welcome

  2. Public Comment:  Any item not on the agenda can be presented with a 2-minute allowance.  These items are not for discussion or action.

  3. Minutes

  4. Treasurer’s Report – Roberta Actor

  5. GM Report:  Andy Weiss

    1. Station Operations, General

    2. Spring Fund-A-Thon - Update

    3. Program Committee Report, Choe Karl

  6. Underwriter Report: Linda Kelley

  7. IT Report: John Saare

  8. Webb Report – Alan Fletcher

  9. Old Business

    1. Barry Melton Concert, June 5, Ron Green, Update

    2. Over the Airwaves, Ron Green

  10. New Business

  11. Adjourn to June 16, 2022 Meeting

Reports will be posted as comments to this post.
5/18/21 : The Minutes of the April 21 Meeting are attached as a comment.

Post Type: 




Meeting Minutes from APRIL 21, 2022

I.  Call to order at 6:15 by Dennis Booth.  

Board Members Present: Roberta Actor, Dennis Booth, Ron Green, Linda Kelly, Susan Krones, Scott Miller, John Moorhead General Manager:  Andy Weiss was present

Absent: Olga Martin-Steele Martin Scheel

Guests:  Betsy Cawn, Ariel Carmona, Alan Fletcher, Chloe Karl, Jackie Riche, Janet Taylor, John Saare

This meeting was conducted via ZOOM due to COVID-19 Emergency   

II. Public Input:  Booth suggests putting signs out to promote KPFZ.

III. Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the last regular meeting on 3/17/22 were approved.   

IV. Treasurer’s Report – See written report.  

V. General Manager’s Report – Weiss reported. a. We will have our Fund Drive May 16-21.  Instead of a newsletter we will send out emails.  b. We just replaced the studio speaker.  c. County informed us they are increasing their Wi-fi signal.  This may cause more interference with our signal.  We will need to move forward with the STL.      

VI. Committee Reports:  

a. Program Committee – Karl reported we have two new show applications.  There was discussion about whether any programmer needs to take all calls or if they can decide not to take calls from certain people.  Booth said we always need to consider that we want to provide quality radio so sometimes that might mean not taking calls from certain people.  Green suggests to Karl for her to send out information to programmers to remind them that they decide if we are going to take calls and from whom.  

b. Underwriting – Kelly reported no new underwriters for March.              

c. Social Media – There was no social media discussion. 

d. Website:  Alan Fletcher reported.  No new information on website.  He has moved equipment from the office to the studio.  Computer can be used for zooming in the studio to the radio.     

e. Membership and Tech Report – No new information to report.       

VII. Old Business: a. Barry Melton Concert: Ron Green reminded everyone about concert on Sunday June 5.  It will be an outdoor concert from 2-5.  Gates open at 1pm.  KPFZ Benefit.  Bring your own chairs. $20.00. 

VIII. New Business: a. Signs- Dennis Booth said putting up signs around the county would be a good way to promote KPFZ.  

Next Meeting will be Thursday, 5/19/22 @ 6:15 pm via Zoom.  

Adjournment- 7:19 p.m.

Minutes submitted by:   

Susan Krones, Secretary