Temporary Suspension of Live Programs

On January 7 at 10 am GM Andy Weiss and Board President Olga Steele announced a temporary suspension of live programming in response to the potential for COVID exposure at the radio station.  The program will replay Saturday, 1/8/22 @ 9 am and later in the week.  We have reached some Programmers by direct communication and others by radio this morning.  This notice is to ensure all Programmers are aware of the Station’s actions.  We have also posted a notice on all doors into the station offices.  

Unless specifically approved to enter the station by Andy, please do not enter the station broadcasting studio or its offices.  

As you may know, this latest variant is highly transmissible.  While we do not believe anyone has actually been exposed at the station, one programmer has tested positive for COVID, several are in self quarantine, and some programmers have participated in activities over the holidays that may have exposed them to COVID.  Also, in truth, we have no way to know whether or not anyone has been exposed inside our premises. 

It is also true that the Programmer that tested positive for COVID initially tested negative.  He became ill and used a different testing method at which time he learned he did, in fact, have COVID.  This Programmer asked that we tell his story in hopes of furthering an understanding of how COVID can be present in our systems, despite negative test results.  

In taking this action we are guided by our duty to help ensure a safe working environment for our volunteers and in response to the many expressions of concern by our volunteers.  

During this break, we will continue to play pre-recorded music shows and repeats of live programs if the content is not too dated or relevant.  

We will also evaluate current policies and practices to decide if adjustments are in order.  We will do our best to do so quickly and estimate about two weeks.  

If you wish to speak with us about this action, please leave a message on the station’s office number, 707-263-3640.

[To vounteers] Thank you for all you do to for our community and for your cooperation.  

Station Management


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