From the Lake County Sheriff's Office on Friday 10/25/19 8:15 p.m.:

"This is an emergency message from the Lake County Sheriff's Office. Due to the Kincade wild fire in Sonoma County, an evacuation warning is being issued at this time for residents of Cobb Mountain and some surrounding communities. Those residents living in the Adams Springs, Hobergs, Cobb, Whispering Pines, Gifford Springs, Anderson Springs and those residents living on Ford Flat Road and Socrates Mine Road are under the evacuation warning. An evacuation warning is not a mandatory evacuation. Repeat. This is not an evacuation order, simply a warning. Residents who need extra time to evacuate in the event of a mandatory evacuation are encouraged to prepare now. Please prepare yourself by gathering your pets, essential items and medications and having them ready to go in case an evacuation order is issued."


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